Friday, August 9, 2013

Happiness = Fresh Fruit and Veggies

My beloved Mammaw gave me the appreciation for fresh fruit and vegetables. She was born in the 1920's in Southern Ohio.  Her Daddy was a Tobacco Farmer and they were poor.  Dirt poor.

Because of this, she never had toys or dolls as a child.  She worked and helped take care of her family.  As a matter of fact, she delivered mail on horseback at the age of 11 and never stopped working.  She was an inspiration and one of the strongest people that I know.Some of her fondest memories were receiving fresh fruit as a Christmas presents and cultivating a bountiful garden. 

In her world, fresh fruit and veggies = love and abundance.

When I was little, I remember helping her with her garden.  It was a labor of love.  She always planted tomatoes, corn, green beans, peppers and strawberries.  She loved and cultivated her garden.  One of my earliest memories is going out to her garden with a salt shaker and eating tomatoes off of the vine.  Nothing better!

As an adult, I have the same love of fresh fruit and vegetables. While I did not plant a garden this year, I love finding farmer's markets or neighbors that are willing to share.

This love of fresh fruit and vegetables lend itself to the Advocare Lifestyle.  The program suggests eating fruits and veggies throughout the day.  Here is a list of the program with food suggestions:
This weekend, I plan for reaping the benefits of fresh fruit and veggies. They are in season!!  I will visit the Lancaster market and maybe head to Athens, if we have time!!

Central Ohio Farmer's Markets 2013

Love and veggies!  Kris

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