Monday, June 3, 2013

Waiting Sucks.

I will admit, I am not the most patient person.  I do not like being unemployed.  Since leaving Nationwide in July 2012, I have had the opportunity to get my head on strait.  I thank Clay and Allison for supporting me through this process. Without them, I would be by myself in Iowa somewhere~  I have had a few job opportunities in the last 9 months but none that truly challenged me intellectually or personally.  I had worked so hard to become a Director at Nationwide that damnit!, I do not want to settle.

While I know that I made the right decision to forego my dream Sales job, I DO have regrets.  Financially, more than anything else. See, I started working when I was a child.   I babysat, helped my brother with his paper route and worked at Bishop Hartley in the summers before I was able to get a real job.  Once I turned 16, I never had a period of unemployment.  Until now.

While I am so blessed to have found Advocare, I want it to remain a hobby for me. For now,  I enjoy helping people find and experience good nutrition.  I believe in the process and the products. 

The good news:
I am in the finals for 2 great jobs but have not heard anything in over a week.  I know, I know.  Patience, jackass.  It is so hard to know that I am not a priority.  ...that my fate lies in someone else's hands.  Surrender.

To some, surrender is a negative term.  To me, surrender is life.  When I made the decision to surrender my control, I finally began to live a real life.  It took me 41 years to realize this.  I understand that there is something greater than myself.  A positive energy and a higher power.

So today, as I wait.  I surrender to my higher power.  I cannot control this process. I cannot control others. I can only send out positive vibes and know that the right thing will happen.

With that being said, I will impact my own thinking and stay positive.  I will be good to others, even if they let me down.  At the end of the day, I can only control me. 

So, my story for the day:  Clay and I went to the Newark Strawberry Festival yesterday.  We were empty nesters this weekend as Allison went on a trip with her friend's family to a cool lake in Maryland.  We (well I) wanted to get out of the house yesterday.  I do not sit well. So, in the late afternoon, we climbed in the Tundra and headed to the Strawberry Festival.  It was awesome.  The people watching? The tattoos?  The missing teeth?  = Kris' heaven on earth! 

The best part?  We found these glasses...

And yes, we love you!

Love and waiting, Kris

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